Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How To Push A Stretcher Head First Or Feet First

Meno Male Che Silvio C'è... Ma Vaffanculo Và!

Carry an interesting mail that I received!

Here is your new prime minister, because I certainly is not ...

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Il mio paese, la mia Italia, non può avere un PREGIUDICATO MAFIOSO come capo del governo!!
Accusato di:
corruzione sul lodo Mondadori;
Caso All Iberian: 1,23 miliardi di lire in tangenti al PSI di Craxi;
Caso Lentini: falso in bilancio;
Caso All Iberian 2: assolto poichè il reato non fu più previsto dalla legge in seguito alle riforme del secondo governo Berlusconi;
Consolidato Finivest;
Spartizione pubblicitaria Rai - Finivest;
Traffico di droga
Falso in bilancio, FRODE fiscale, appropriazione indebita sui DIRITTI TELEVISIVI;
Mazzette David Mills, judicial corruption;
false testimony on the case P2;
Investigated as a principal with the massacres of 1992/1993 against Dell'Utri Maurizio Costanzo, Paolo Borsellino and Giovanni Falcone,
Defamation aggravated by the use of television;

can not be a CRIMINAL PREMIER !!!!!!
My country can not be ruled by a man who possesses:

Mediaset Medusa Cinema

AC Milan Banca Mediolanum Mondadori

daily 'Free'
the newspaper 'Il Giornale'
a prime minister can not control sources of national information! Can not
a prime minister, through the ad personam laws, to avoid a trial and be enriched.
a prime minister can not be associated with an unworthy party called the Northern League, which considers the citizens of the South as a scum, and that in 'other nation in Europe would be immediately eliminated (as based on principles of beam-racist!) .


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