Monday, September 29, 2008

Softball Team Sayings

My seven children Arians, now

Ariano 1: a me piace la coppa all'amarena

Ariano 2: a me la coppa al cioccolato

Ariano 3: a me la coppa del nonno

Ariano 4: a me la coppa dei campioni

Ariano 5: a me quella che c'ha la meringa sotto

Ariano 6: a me quella alla stracciatella

Ariano 7: a me piace la coppa di maiale.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Leanna's Hair Pomade With Quinine


che sostengo ogni forma di protesta in opposizione alla controriforma Gelmini, compresi eventuali bonzi e locomotive come cose vive lanciate a bomba contro l'ingiustizia.

a me farebbe piacere che passasse di qui un insegnante o un sindacalista che mi spiegassero il senso della protesta (solo genovese?) di non portare i bambini a nessuna attività extrascolastica per l'anno 2008/2009, in opposizione al maestro unico.

Perchè a me, dal punto di vista della prospettivaranocchio, mi sembra una boiata.
Una boiata col mio sostegno politico, ma sempre una boiata.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Soy Lecithin Melanoma

Mi dice il Preside Confuso che hanno dovuto diminuire di due sezioni su sei il tempo prolungato perchè non c'erano richieste.
Nessuno vuole fermarsi dopo le 14, mi dice.
E lei come lo legge questo dato? chiede l'educatrice Sei minuti all'alba, che è molto più interlocutoria di me.
Evidentemente i genitori non ne hanno bisogno, al di là di quello che scrivono quegli imbecilli dei giornalisti, risponde il Preside Confuso. Evidentemente i genitori scelgono alternative extrascolastiche per i loro figli, e se le pay.
I ask: but are they really the parents, to choose?
Ah no, says Dean Confused, these parents do not choose anything! They do not know more prevail! These are the guys who decide!
And she is not normal - I gamble - a twelve year old who decides not to go to school rather than go for? That pushes his father to enroll him in soccer and his mother to give him the money for the club, rather than staying in school to do a drama workshop?

Here, I was proved right.
He told me Maybe it's not that there's no need, no other choices that are made of.
But it's not that I walked away satisfied, for this. Why

first maybe I was wrong too.
And if I'm right, what changes?

The finding is that these teachers, these directors are not that stupid global.
do their work and often do well. The Dean
confused and confusing, but competent. And appreciated.
But here we are faced with an unmanageable complexity.
E Baumann says, not me by the prospect frog.

Here is that social variables are endless, the answers varied, and astronomical calculations. But we cut the calculators.

Other than one master.
To analyze this incomprehensible society, we should have available to teams of educators, sociologists, psychologists, teachers, presidi. Ognuno con la sua variabile. Ognuno con la sua propria capacità ci calcolo.
Perchè è dall'intuizione di uno che nascono le idee, ma è dalle critiche di tanti che si elabora il cambiamento.

Un'opposizione forte al Maestro Unico ma anche, per favore, al Preside Solitario, al'Insegnante Abbandonato, allo Psicologo Autoreferenziale.
La solitudine educativa genera mostri sociali.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Chets Pokemon Soul Silver

Big Wednesday

In mattinata incontro le maestre con le quali lavorerò quest'anno, un pomeriggio a settimana.
Arrabbiate ma propositive.
Dure, senza dimenticare la tenerezza.
Il maestro unique? Gn'a ago!

Then I called the student union representative.
It asks me to support the organization's week of action for the right to education.
A beautiful twenty, not a twenty mariadefilippi.
Gelmini? - He says - gn'a ago!

's one of those days when you truly believe in the possibility of survival of the world.

Monday, September 15, 2008

What Does Does It Mean When My Dog Has Black Poo


not allowed to call mother ("... is not a substitute for the mother "), forbidden to call for asylum (" not a proper parking ..."), instead call preschool is for children, from three to six years, and these days many children will be members for the first time, leaving the hands of frightened or curious parents to cross the gate, marking a beginning, passing a boundary.
For about six hundred thousand children will be the first day, but the first really.
A ritual is always the same challenge is repeated, but forget any careless and hasty gesture, leave the memory of crowding chaotic when the kids were so many, when the desperate cries of the mothers were always at home with them. Why

entry to school is no longer a leap into the void, but the last border sophisticated pedagogical strategies here meetings with families already started in May, personalized meetings, receptions with the colorful balloons, the applause as a play when you enter. Here are the classes and teachers into a castle pretending to be gnomes.

full attention because children are increasingly rare and often the families themselves. "Today we do not enter more than just in class, there is a strategy of acceptance," says Simon Salacone, head teacher. "We begin to make the meetings with parents already in the previous year, the children then staggered start, in small groups for two weeks will have a reduced timetable." Strategies, attention to overprotected children and parents more anxious. "Young couples are much more confused as they are not assisted by the time a family clan, before there was a skill that was transmitted in a natural way. The young parents are very anxious to understand, even today can be highly educated but poorly equipped emotionally , we have sometimes a parenting support. "

"At every step represents a departure, changes evoke the separation and almost no one is fully equipped," said Daniel Brown, a psychologist who works in a kindergarten in close contact with their families. "Parents are increasingly unprepared, have no idea how to do, lack of models and give children equipment outside toys, but items inside. The mothers are afraid, a reasonable fear, however, it is important not to be transmitted to children this anxiety and distrust because everything starts from this post that give parents ".

And the children?" Children of 3 years are individualists and anarchists often only children, children are very curious and less fearful of a time from the trauma of separation, "said Simonetta Salacone." Speak, speak, know a lot of things, are better prepared, have many stimuli and are too early, they However, reduced motor ability, experience in an open environment does not have it. But our teachers are brave e magicamente in un mese trasformano questo gruppo di anarchici in una classe".

Genitori impegnati, bambini iper-accessoriati, maestre dottissime ma nella scuola che cambia rimane intatta l'emozione del primo giorno.

"È un'avventura che se parte bene darà al bambino una marcia in più anche negli anni che seguiranno", dice Maurizia Butturini, insegnante e tra i responsabili della rivista "Scuola dell'infanzia", edita da Giunti: analisi, percorsi, consigli per una scuola non obbligatoria ma frequentata dal 95 per cento dei bambini. "I piccoli non sono il problema perché loro sono curiosi e pronti a mettersi in gioco se le madri hanno fiducia. Per this great part of our job is to reassure parents, perhaps taken from guilt when there is a long time. "

" We say that come with the child and the adult, "says Paola Cagliari, responsible school for children of Reggio Emilia, became an international model. "The more tense, the more excited they are adults and need to accept that their children follow the rules at times other than at home. But gone are the times when children were sent "unfortunately" the kindergarten, the children also now entitled to a school that does not replace the relationship with the mother but is designed just for them. "
(Marina Cavallieri )

Friday, September 12, 2008

Ambulance Radio Frequencies


The wooden toy store has failed.
A quick sale and then closed.
Now there is a china shop of clothes.
For as long as he managed to stay open, I always looked empty.
The parents did not enter.
But what is worse is that the children were passing straight away without bothering to look.
But I often enchanted me in front of the dollhouse, the puppets and puzzles.
Just me and the old gentleman inside, già sull'orlo del fallimento.
Per provare a salvarsi avevano appeso un cartello Si affittano costumi per adulti.
Non è servito neanche quello.
Era il binario 9 e 3/4, quel negozio di giochi in legno: lo vedeva solo chi sapeva vederlo.
Così ha chiuso.

Dall'altra parte della strada c'è un bar.
A prima vista è un bar a prospettiva ranocchio.
Tavolini bassi, tondi, senza spigoli.
Una piscina di palline.
Una lavagna coi gessi colorati.
Tantissime merendine, tantissime.
Il paradiso delle merendine.
Io, merendine a parte, adoravo andare lì per le chiacchere e le riunioni.
In mezzo a quel felice casino che fanno i bambini sguazzando nel round.
Then came the summer.
I came back in September, and I discovered that the pool of balls has become a fee.
A €, fifteen minutes.
I chalk blackboard should be requested at checkout.
If you sit there an obligation to drink. It continues a twenty
hysterical screaming children No, what not, but even that short!
And the bar, inevitably, is full.
Far from bankruptcy.
Far from platform 9 and 3 / 4.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Free Franchise Agreement Spanish English

Monday, September 8, 2008

Thomson Dti6300 User Manual

Il Manifesto, September 5, 2008

The voting behavior is not an expression of true authority in the school can only be an intellectual and exemplary.
We live in a period marked by a fear that the constitutive responses are authoritarian, formal, insufficient and those who propose more afraid of everyone.

(Daniel Pennac)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sock Shoes For The Shower


The single teacher.
The single teacher was just what was missing all'affossamento public school.
the list of ingredients for a return to school elite and a mass of illiteracy, we già la più bassa percentuale di pil dedicato alla scuola, un'università abilitante per l'insegnamento completamente innefficace, classi di 30 alunni, nessuna formazione permanente per gli insegnanti, sempre meno insegnanti di sostegno.
A questo punto, si dirà, se la scuola pubblica è un morto che cammina, che senso ha farlo sostenere da ben due insegnanti?
Una maestra, per assistere all'agonia, basta e avanza.

E così ecco fatto un altro passo sulla scala di Escher che, camminando soltanto in avanti, riporta indietro alla scuola d'èlite degli anni cinquanta.
Perchè c'è un solo modo, per un insegnante solo, di gestire class complex as any urban elementary class of 2000.
to simultaneously manage 30 students, of which about fifteen foreigners from different parts of the world, with varying degrees of literacy, with a different approach to social relations, in the study.
to manage a class where only one part of the students have family difficulties, and parents often divided in different cities, an overload of stimulation outside school, a parent of a difficult economic and emotional.
to manage a class where the handicap is added, no special classes, to encourage integration. But where the teacher support covering 70, 50, 30% of hours.
to manage a class in a dilapidated building, no budget, no teaching materials, sometimes without beds for everyone.
The only way for a teacher alone gestiore of these complexities, it is selected.

You is not you. You
you make it yourself and then move on.
You can not do it, upset, slow, stumbling. And I can not, absolutely, gotta be back. Because if I'm behind you, I lose the other 29.
mica And we want this, no? We want to mica a class of ignorant?

So they will select, again.
You are not you.
You, Franti, you can not stay here to trudge up a text that do not understand, on a problem that does not grasp. You can not continually ask help because, you see, I'm alone.
And alone, Franti, no I can do.
This means the teacher only.
means returning to a selective school, where he already knows who won and who would be left behind need us.
It will be only the first step.
Towards a ghettoization of ignorance and, therefore, to a ghetto of poverty.
It is not just a matter of budget and GDP.
Not reduce everything to this.
The Ministry cut the funds, but does so with a clear plan.
to divide the good from the bad, the rich and poor.
Create a culture of corporate press, which is owned by only the ruling class.
And so you can feed, year after year.
There is nothing new.
was already done.
E 'scale of Escher.