Sunday, December 19, 2010
Country Drum Backing Tracks
Dear Friends, this is the menu for New Year's Eve 2010. Angela Stefano and wish you a Merry Christmas! For reservations call number 0571/82273--- 335/8467466 or email to:
(upon confirmation of booking will require a deposit of 50% of total)
RISOTTO WITH PARMESAN, yellow pumpkin cream, balms and CAPOCOLLO
ENDIVES cushion on a butter cream and crumbs
chop pork with turnips and potatoes
water, coffee and flute of bubbly to celebrate !!!!!
€ 45.00 per person excluding wine
start at 20.30, 21.00
Monday, December 13, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Picters Of The Bigest Shark Ever
Si è svolta Sabato la manifestazione della campagna Welfare in Comune contro
i tagli al bilancio cittadino 2011, che ha visto la partecipazione di un
migliaio di persone del mondo del lavoro, del popolo dei passeggini, del
movimento di lotta per la casa, della realtà studentesca. La manifestazione
ha avuto inizio con un concentramento in piazza dell’Unità alle ore 14.
Il corteo si è mosso alle15.30, raggiungendo così i due attivisti del
movimento di lotta per la casa arrampicati sulla torre della stazione dal
giorno precedente. I due sono stati fatti scendere e accolti nel corteo che
ha proseguito verso il centro cittadino per giungere in Piazza Verdi.
The procession did not however agreed to be bound by the prohibition of expression in
downtown streets and then continued by Zamboni and Rizzoli then
arrive at the Palazzo d'Accursio
occupying the staircase and the courtyard.
Yesterday's demonstration is a step in a process that will continue to see us in
mobilization to prevent the decisions of this administration
going to hit families who already are paying the price
Other events are already planned, the first is a march for Monday December 13
by appointment at 17.30 in Piazza Nettuno, the other is an assembly
cittadina nei prossimi giorni per un ulteriore confronto fra
tutte le realtà in mobilitazione.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
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25 novembre Bologna
Let's cut to the cuts! The campaign
Welfare in City Square in the December 11
cuts increase, we are at € 47 million, counting receipts
children, yet destined to grow given that from this figure are
excluding minor contributions from the foundations . The Commissioner's statement
Clerks is now released to the newspaper
Unity. It seems endless now the increase in the municipal budget cuts
2011. At the end of August were announced
20 million, with a rapid escalation
see today more than doubled.
The impact on municipal employees and service users was already dramatic
yesterday, today becomes disastrous. Citizens
because of the current economic crisis are under attack
salary and then to their living conditions
find themselves with an administration that is part of the problem. Indeed
the cuts and fare increases, which moreover is already underway, will fall on those who already own
hardly make ends meet.
The delayed declaration of increase of the cuts, the low interest
the press and the silence of the policy are the result of bad faith or reckless management
we do not care, what emerges is that
this method of administration is not able to guarantee
the rights and needs citizens.
E 'so now the task of those involved to stop the disintegration of the welfare
interests of this city.
We must not allow that lead to the bankruptcy
our municipality as well as entrepreneurs and speculators led to the failure
football team Bologna.
save the city, supporting the struggles of workers,
users, who claims to democracy and spaces where
responds as if it were a matter of public policy. We express solidarity
so that all students these days are waging a battle for a public school
and quality. The campaign
Welfare in the municipality that collects workers, citizens,
associations, committees, unions and political organizations in these initiatives will support
weeks to arrive at the event called for the town
December 11 Unit 14.00 Square
to defend and revitalize the welfare state.
welfare campaign jointly
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
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Tuesday, November 9
Monday, November 8, 2010
Only Caramels And Brownie Mix
campaign Welfare-in-common is launching the first town meeting tomorrow night Tuesday, November 9 at 21:00 in the hall way of the Benjamin Pratello n .53. To protect and revitalize the welfare state, making the network the different mobilizations that in these days through Bologna, the struggle of the people of strollers, workers of public and private tenants to students.
Welfare in the appeal launched by the Municipality is collecting hundreds of signatures, and several trade unions, political and cultural decided to subscribe to one of the first: Union grassroots unions, migrant Coordination Maggore Castel, Purple People, Assignees and Tenants Association, Bologna takes House, Communist Party of the PRC, the Committee of Social Rights, Network of Communists, Level 57, Critical Left, Circle Iqbal Masih
Country town common welfare
cell: 3407106022
Thursday, October 21, 2010
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Bologna, tradendo la sua storica vocazione, organizza lo smantellamento del welfare cittadino un tempo vanto di un orientamento politico sociale teso a offrire il meglio ai suoi cittadini. Con la gestione commissariale, del già prefetto Anna Maria Cancellieri si rischia di arrivare a un punto di non ritorno in quanto i tagli annunciati, e in parte già attuati, hanno un carattere strutturale: taglio generalizzato di risorse a tutti i servizi sociali, chiusura e smantellamento delle strutture di sostegno sociale, massiccia privatizzazione del settore educativo and education, higher tariffs for access to municipal services, increase in rents in public housing, increase the cost of bus fares, cutting services to the public cultural resources, cutting wages and laying off municipal workers in precarious employment, sale of public property. Witnessing for years to reduce funding to local authorities by the various national governments that follow, which saw its zenith with the financial Tremonti. In this context, regional and provincial administrations, against anti-government proclamations, do not make field effective action in contrast to the effects of this economic crisis to which no end in sight. Such decisions, which threaten social cohesion in our territory, produce no reaction in most political organizations, which irresponsibly hope that the "dirty work" is made of management commissioner before the next elections. It is therefore important that we are citizen-users and service workers to help them experience a high voice that assumes the responsibility to defend the welfare state in the first person in our area.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Mods For Mount And Blade
Symantec has released these days a good analytical document on how the virus Stuxnet . The 48-page document is full-bodied, but provides a fairly accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of sophistication where they can get modern viruses. The difference from the last century as the stuff Yankee Doodle is remarkable. (The paper can be found here ).
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Thin School Pe Shorts = 1438
Hello everyone!
If you click on this link, you will see the "focus" that the 'AIS Val d'Elsa has dedicated these days!!
A big salute from all the staff
Thursday, August 26, 2010
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Friday, August 20, 2010
Exeter Prom Dress Shops
the end we made, after several attempts, a beautiful picture to remember the wonderful evening ... BELLIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Family Guy Scandinavia
Yesterday, Sunday, August 8, We spent a wonderful day with friends, good ones, with a capital in Mugello in contact with nature .... BE-LLI-SSI-MO !!!!! THANKS TO ALL, STEFANO AND ANGELA!! A farewell to the "Bicchieraia!!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Rabbits Cage Build For Dummies
To all the bloggers to listen: we finally partitiiii! Come and visit us to spend some time in trnquillità tasting a good wine and eating something! We are waiting on a Falcon 1 to Empoli and Ceravolo near Santa Maria-tel 0571/82273- Hello Angela and Stephen
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Congradulation Note To Mother To Be
It 's really funny that this summer in which the news rush to remind us how "the summer's hot and then Convenga drink and stay out of the sun during the hottest hours," short pour generic unsolicited advice, here it is funny that no one speak of a thing as the giant "of the Bankruptcy Ventaglio .
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Panorama has discovered that there are gay priests and that some of them are not even too chaste. Incredible
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Free Printable Harley Birthday Cards
... and today all day around bureaucracy and purchasing ... Aw, Snap!! We want to open and begin to see friends and friends, old and new who come to visit! Hopefully soon CIAOOOO !!!!!!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Krogers Wedding Cakes
Monday, June 28, 2010
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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Caedite Eos Nobit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius
Sorry for Gianfranco but I think I'm wrong : Padania exist. It 'a strange phenomenon, but when a lot of people start to believe in something, that something more out of the mists of the inexistent finally landing beaches of the real.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
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Thursday, April 8, 2010
The Best Way To Write A Letter About Damage
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Toys For Stroke Patients
I wonder if they were to be excluded were the lists of minor parties there would have been this confusion, this rise in complaints in the name of democracy. Yes, fine pick lists that have been excluded about 30% - 40% of the vote (certainly not 60%), and pappapero pappappa 'the right to democracy.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
How To Check If A Pokemon Is Happy Silver
Marius Hello, hello, Cristina, Ana, hello to all you children of the camp-Segrate-write the teachers. You will not read our greetings in the newspaper, 'cause your parents can not read the paper do not buy it. It is precisely for this reason that you have enrolled in school and who continued in office, regardless of their life is difficult, because 'dream to see integrated into this society,' cause they dream of a future where you are respected and recognized can see your capacity 'and your dignity'. We are studying 'cause that dream at least you can have a job, a house and the trust of others.
We know how they have been difficult for you this month: the cold, a lot, the forced evictions continue every time you have to lose everything and sleeping outside while waiting for your dad 'reconstructs a shack, knowing that the bulldozers di li' a poco l'avrebbero di nuovo distrutta insieme a tutto cio' che avete. Le vostre cartelle le abbiamo volute tenere a scuola perche' sappiate che vi aspettiamo sempre, e anche perche' non volevamo che le ruspe che tra pochi giorni raderanno al suolo le vostre casette facessero scempio del vostro lavoro, pieno di entusiasmo e di fatica. Saremo a scuola ad aspettarvi, verremo a prendervi se non potrete venire, non vi lasceremo soli, ne' voi ne' i vostri genitori che abbiamo imparato a stimare e ad apprezzare.
Grazie per essere nostri scolari, per averci insegnato quanta tenacia possa esserci nel voler studiare, grazie ai vostri genitori che vi hanno sempre messi al primo posto e che si sono fidati di noi. I vostri compagni ci chiederanno di voi, many already know 'cause it will not go to' was your mother but the teacher. What explanation can we give them? And what we can give you, that you share with your class rules, love, justice, solidarity ': how do you explain the evictions? We do not know what we will explain, but certainly we will continue to teach many, many things, more 'things we can,' cause tomorrow you may be able to defend injustice, 'cause your children to be treated like children, not as Roma children , guilty even before being born.
We'll teach you a thousand words, a hundred thousand words 'cause no one can more' as you try to destroy those who have no voice. Now your voice is us, together to many other teachers, professors, parents of your classmates, along with volunteers who are with you for years and many friends and residents of our area. See you kids at school.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Program Aux On Python Remote Start
I resume this video from the blog of Louis Giubertoni , look, it's worth it. This is a video produced by a young London artist, Keiichi Matsuda che rappresenta 2 minuti di vita in augmented reality. Il video si svolge nella cucina del protagonista mostrandocelo mentre preparara del the , prima di correre in bagno. Naturalmente si tratta di un'esperimento di fantasia, nel senso che al momento non esiste nessun sistema indossabile così completo e pervasivo da poter "aumentare" la realtà come il video mostra.
Augmented (hyper)Reality: Domestic Robocop from Keiichi Matsuda on Vimeo .
Il video è girato all'insegna dell'ironia, ma riesce comunque a dare un assaggio realistico degli effetti di un'applicazione pervasiva di augmented reality.
E da questo possono nascere varie riflessioni. Dal punto di vista marketing, per esempio, mettere le mani sugli spazi di un'applicazione AR può rappresentare il sogno di un pubblicitario.
Oppure sul livello di consapevolezza che è possibile raggiungere una volta sottoposti ad un bombardamento d'informazioni simile. Difficilmente si tratterà di illuminante da quel punto di vista.
Se qualcuno è interessato a capire la possibilità attuale dell'AR dia un'occhiata all'applicazione consumer AvatariTag della Mattel e collegata al film di Cameron Avatar per vedere le "figurine del 21esimo secolo". Il bambino che è in me sta provando un po' di invidia per questa generazione. I fear that the set of figures has not been marketed in Italy and now I'm doing a thought if you buy everything on Amazon.