Appello contro i tagli al welfare voluti dall’amministrazione di Bologna
Bologna, tradendo la sua storica vocazione, organizza lo smantellamento del welfare cittadino un tempo vanto di un orientamento politico sociale teso a offrire il meglio ai suoi cittadini. Con la gestione commissariale, del già prefetto Anna Maria Cancellieri si rischia di arrivare a un punto di non ritorno in quanto i tagli annunciati, e in parte già attuati, hanno un carattere strutturale: taglio generalizzato di risorse a tutti i servizi sociali, chiusura e smantellamento delle strutture di sostegno sociale, massiccia privatizzazione del settore educativo and education, higher tariffs for access to municipal services, increase in rents in public housing, increase the cost of bus fares, cutting services to the public cultural resources, cutting wages and laying off municipal workers in precarious employment, sale of public property. Witnessing for years to reduce funding to local authorities by the various national governments that follow, which saw its zenith with the financial Tremonti. In this context, regional and provincial administrations, against anti-government proclamations, do not make field effective action in contrast to the effects of this economic crisis to which no end in sight. Such decisions, which threaten social cohesion in our territory, produce no reaction in most political organizations, which irresponsibly hope that the "dirty work" is made of management commissioner before the next elections. It is therefore important that we are citizen-users and service workers to help them experience a high voice that assumes the responsibility to defend the welfare state in the first person in our area.
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