The problem in this period of the Left and the Right (to Fini for instance) that is the real party, with people with a minimum thickness of political, not the junk polular you're in the middle, I said the problem is that in these two groups, there is no one who understands a poker beneamatissma economy and when they open their mouth is easy to become immediately aware.
should study and train a bit 'all the question. So just to have some new idea and maybe even smarter rather than put up with the usual hot air and stale.
For this beginning to lynch this beautiful article of the think tank of noise from Amerika. If you have the chills when someone proposes to use public funds to kick-start the economy, here then I advise you to read. Be prepared that is long, but on the other hand, you prefer not to make you understand things and danced by Tigga tell, right?
Instead, recommended to those who believe that the deficit can be reduced by combating tax evasion, rather than performing cuts: Three obvious on tax evasion.
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