Sunday, October 18, 2009

Electric Pressure Canner

The amazing ability of primitive men.

From an article in La Stampa are aware of the book "Manthropology" written by the anthropologist Peter McAllister. The news is also mentioned here Routers.
The thesis of the book, which I have not had the opportunity to read directly, as is stated boasts a divided and suggestive: "The physical capabilities of modern athletes modernu is small change when compared to that primitive men were able to do ".
The book cites the discovery of some footprints in the mud by some Australian Aborigines about 20,000 years ago, to demonstrate how they were able to run almost as fast as the world record holder Usain Bolt. The book is
and brings further evidence to support the hypothesis dell'inedeguatezza of modern physics.
Per esempio, che i giovani Tutsi erano in grado di saltare altezze superiori all'attuale record mondiale di salto in alto. Testimonianze fotografiche del secolo ventesimo, sono li adimostrarlo.
Per i Tutsi, ogni giovane doveva essere in grado di saltare almeno la propria altezza. Per questo si esercitavano continuamente. E a posteriore direi che i risultati si vedevano.
Fin qua niente di nuovo, è pensiero comune, il fatto di ritenere che le moderne tecniche di allenamento siano in grado di permettere l'espressione dei migliori record umani.
Abbiamo quindi semplicemente un libro controcorrente. Il libro per essere provocatorio la butta anche sul sessista, parla quindi di decadenza del maschio moderno
In realtà questa idea, della decadenza of the human race, is not exactly a new idea.
has vanished in the Aeneid, for example (Aeneid, Book XII, trans. Annibale Caro)

.... we saw a stone, a stone oldest and largest
ch'ivi lots to limit was way to share fields and tor lite 'neighbors. Era o
immeasurably to this weight, that twelve of those
ch'oggi produces the
our age, and of 'the strongest yet, not
avrebbon the ground up, otherwise ....

Enea here raises a contemporary rock that even twelve men (from Roman times) would be able to lift. And 'the clear point of view of the poet.
In a world view neoplatonica, puo' sembrare naturale pensare che lo spirito, l'energia, del creatore "imperfetto" possa andare ad esaurirsi col passare del tempo.
Immagino che i più, specialmente coloro i quali hanno fiducia nelle sorti magnifiche e progressive del genere umano, potrebbero scandalizzarsi alle tesi dell'antropologo Australiano.
Anche quelli che non comprendono il pensiero di Darwin, mescolando cose tra loro appartenenti a categorie arbitrarie quali progresso ed evoluzione, potrebbero ugualmente non comprendere.
Se così fosse, direi che queste persone sottovalutano la capacità proteica e di adattabilità esprimibili dai nostri geni.
Mi spiego meglio, si dice che e il50% delle capacità di un atleta siano legate techniques of training, while the other 50% of its genetics.
difficilmento The idea is that a training technique can compete with the gene pool of a human group subjected to a constant evolutionary pressure.
you a Tutsi, and you can not jump at least your height? You can not have kids. If alterai so high but you have many children. Are you an Aboriginal
and you can not run the 100 meters in 10 seconds? Riuscirari not take any deer and you're going to starve. But if you acchiapparei gazelles proabilmente many children. And quite a few of these offspring 'will also be fast runners, some are, through the junctions, probably more' fast of you.
clearly not the mechanism? With appropriate selection pressure any evolutionary advantage becomes extreme after a few generations, to select the people who have a few superhuman traits.
It 'clear that the use of eugenics, is not a viable alternative for modern society. At least for most.
addition to this, modern man stands in a vast range of sports, from swimming, running, marathon, the free exercises with weights. And inceremento record is an incontrovertible fact, a few hundred years now. Well before the industrial age.
So the work of our Australian anthropologist is only there to show that comparing apples and pears you can prove any thesis.
In any event, even if not made up of super-men, the tribal people have always had something to teach us. Think, for example, the technique of focus used by the fishermen of pearl diving. This is not a genetic adaptation, but a cultural trait. Westerners too, if properly trained, can learn to put objects into focus under water without any need of glasses and lenses.
On the other hand it is obvious that modern man can take revenge on their predecessors, from the explanation will genetically, only when the techniques of genetic engineering in a bloodless manner will allow you to choose the best gene pools in some sports. But the spirit in which running every
So what?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Endocervical Squamous Cells

In Defense of "The Cure".

When I was younger and a lot more 'stupid one day I thought that "The Cure" will be sold. The Cure for me, represented one of the band members that galaxy Gothic Dark denoted by the term in Italy. This is mainly
loved the pieces "canonical" ones worthy of the highest admiration, the more "Gothic". Songs like "Three Imaginary Boys," "A Forest", "Killing an Arab" to name a few. Then came other
album "In Between Days" and "Kiss me, Kiss me, Kiss me" All hell broke loose and the audience militant cry 'scandal: "The Cure do commercial music", "E' stuff unlistenable", "now were sold, "" is stanno involvendo"
Quanto mi sbagliavo. Riascoltata dopo quasi trent'anni quella musica è perfettamente organica e strutturale al periodo. Riascoltati insieme agli altri gruppi, i The Cure erano assolutamente nel flusso delll'ecletticismo musicale di quegli anni, in grado di assorbire quello che c'era in giro elaboralro e riproporlo creando nuove forme.
Altro che farsi affibbiare l'etichetta di Gotici.
Qua sotto il video di "Close to me", (1985) sentite qua che roba.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

List Of Mannequin Rentals Ny

I did not expect.

Niente da fare. Il pronunciamento della consulta sul Lodo Alfano mi ha preso alla sprovvista. Fossi stato un bookmaker, ieri avrei perso un bel po' di soldini a pagare shares of those who had bet on the outcome owner. Incredibly
not the only ones who were surprised were my friends, acquaintances who live outside Italy. From outside the perception of the Italian situation is definitely different.

I realize now that the range of possible developments is expanding rapidly. Two days ago we were a country with a pompous and arrogant majority, opposition from operetta, packed and frozen, now the situation can 'evolve in unexpected ways. Who this is now down to exult in the street, I would recommend to come back down to earth when there's nothing new B. has always been investigated and now will return to be. Gramellini ci ricorda come questo sia lo stato naturale del nostro PresConsMin. Non credo che, nel prossimo futuro, le orde rosse prenderanno d'assalto il palazzo d'inverno. Quello che ci possiamo, al limite ,aspettare è un rimescolamento del peso di alcune figure all'interno del PdL. Staremo comunque a vedere,

Naturalmente il PresConsMin tuona contro i giudici di sinistra e contro i verdetti politici. La verità è che la sentenza della Consulta è quantomai tecnica. Non si ribadisce che un cittadino non possa avere i processi penali temporaneamente sospesi, ma che tutto questo, avrebbe dovuto essere reso legge con una legge costituzionale.
Tutto qua.
Sarebbe bastato per il PresConsMin usare un iter parlamentare meno da furbetto e there would be no problems. A nice well-made constitutional reform, was final. But you know, as he is surrounded only by avvocaticchi has always preferred to do a piece, in a sneaky person, an amendment. And this is the result.