Thursday, October 21, 2010

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Hands Off Welfare

Appello contro i tagli al welfare voluti dall’amministrazione di Bologna
Bologna, tradendo la sua storica vocazione, organizza lo smantellamento del welfare cittadino un tempo vanto di un orientamento politico sociale teso a offrire il meglio ai suoi cittadini. Con la gestione commissariale, del già prefetto Anna Maria Cancellieri si rischia di arrivare a un punto di non ritorno in quanto i tagli annunciati, e in parte già attuati, hanno un carattere strutturale: taglio generalizzato di risorse a tutti i servizi sociali, chiusura e smantellamento delle strutture di sostegno sociale, massiccia privatizzazione del settore educativo and education, higher tariffs for access to municipal services, increase in rents in public housing, increase the cost of bus fares, cutting services to the public cultural resources, cutting wages and laying off municipal workers in precarious employment, sale of public property. Witnessing for years to reduce funding to local authorities by the various national governments that follow, which saw its zenith with the financial Tremonti. In this context, regional and provincial administrations, against anti-government proclamations, do not make field effective action in contrast to the effects of this economic crisis to which no end in sight. Such decisions, which threaten social cohesion in our territory, produce no reaction in most political organizations, which irresponsibly hope that the "dirty work" is made of management commissioner before the next elections. It is therefore important that we are citizen-users and service workers to help them experience a high voice that assumes the responsibility to defend the welfare state in the first person in our area.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mods For Mount And Blade

21st century war toy.

Symantec has released these days a good analytical document on how the virus Stuxnet . The 48-page document is full-bodied, but provides a fairly accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of sophistication where they can get modern viruses. The difference from the last century as the stuff Yankee Doodle is remarkable. (The paper can be found here ).
Recently the analysis of this virus has attracted much interest. In fact who wrote it had access to a number of certificates of readme hardware manufacturers, which is able to fool the operating system to install and, beyond that who wrote it, knew in advance not documented weaknesses of the operating systems microsoft.
knowledge is not exactly the extent of the first hacker road.
addition to this, the virus seems to be engineered to attack the servers that control industrial plants, in particular attacking the PC installed with some of the Siemens PLC.
beyond that the virus is in circulation, from the rough to the current versions for about two years. Clearly behind there 'was a development that has taken some time, rather than a few weekends of some obscure crackers.
Everything suggests that behind this there is an organization for a long time, great minds and great resources, both financial and intelligence. They're not a company or a corporation ma uno stato sovrano.
A questo si aggiunga il fatto che, secondo le statistiche della Symantec, il 67 % degli host infettati si trova in Iran e questa storia di colpo inizia ad avere dei contorni molto più definiti.
Se questa fosse una spy story, probabilmente inizierebbe a Tel Aviv almeno due anni fa.
Partirebbe come primo atto da una riunione di analisti Israeliani , molto preoccupati della volontà iraniana di salire a livello di prima potenza mediorientale.
Il ragionamento di quegli analisti potrebbe essere che l'Iran ha sicuramente è sicuramente una grande potenza energetica e demografica della zona, ma dipende fortemente dalle tecnologie del primo mondo: Software, elettronica, macchinari tutto arriva da fuori e ha bisogno del supporto degli stati esteri per poter continuare a funzionare.
Ora questa storia per poter andare avanti ha necessità di un altro evento. Una fuga di notizie, magari qualcuno che ha scoperto che una grossa fornitura di valvole, necessaria per il funzionamento dell'oleodotto che s'inabissa sotto il Mar Caspio, sarebbe stata fabbricata in Germania e avrebbe avuto un tipo particolare di PLC della Siemens.

Qua la trama diventa ancora più ipotetica ma l'autore ha la possibilità di far entrare in gioco alcuni personaggi più interessanti. Per esempio un ipotetico team di Tel Aviv composto da ricercatori o hacker informatici o entrambe le cose. Un team messo insieme a few months ago, one of those things you have to do because: "The Cyberwar is the war of the twenty-first century", but actually in the Constitution has not done anything useful if you draw with advisory and collect the vulnerability emerged.
Now is a leading figure of the first, maybe a little ambitious general rose from operational roles in the IDF military intelligence services, the Aman.
We assume that this person presents to our team and ask him to develop a weapon that can knock out or cause serious damage to Iran's oil exports. These events are perhaps the development and release of the virus.
Here we can assume that the story ends.
And there would be to understand how they did it, for example, to infect the first few months, only computers Iranians. There are new techniques of cyber anointing? Were used for undercover officers who stick after stick infected computers as possible?
Here we really are in the field of assumptions.

I do not know if things are actually going well this summer and if a pipeline Iran has had serious problems. If it had happened, probably no news is leaked abroad, maybe in a few years, we will know something more.
But I think the opponent's infrastructure infiltration by computer viruses, that while until recently could be a vague possibility in between the theoretical and science fiction, now about to become something much more concrete.
Just between us, the theory of the new cyber has always left me puzzled. But I admit, after all this, I'm thinking to change my mind.

premise, I wanted to call this post "Kuang Grade Mark Eleven," as the Chinese military virus imagined by Gibson in his Neuromancer (1984), but then I discovered that this valuable blogger, I had already anticipated with the idea.