The book summarizes the major historical lies and builds a comprehensive discussion delicious, full of passages and references. In doing so, tells how the beliefs inspired by a series of fabricated lies, and then become and have been an important driver in the motivations of historical events. The underlying thesis is
which lies, for a variety of mechanisms, human, tend to arise spontaneously. "These, once they start to exist human cultural humus, take form and life of its own independently of who originally created and from that moment on, change and evolve as a function of time.
The title-free question is precisely to represent the claim that the lies you want, and believed, after a while 'become the truth.
The author opens his story with The Donation of Constantine, continues with the story of "Prester John "(presbyter Johannes) and then going into the real history of the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians and Illuminati in Prague up to the mysterious machinations of the Jesuits.
In doing so it tells the becoming of the kilt, the supreme bard Ossian of cult of the Templars and other oddities that we "moderns" are now definitely belong to both the real as the collective imagination.
The stories told in a lively end to snatch a smile to the modern reader, but when 'exposure approaches to issues closer to our era as the infamous "Protocols of the Elders of Zion ", the smile gives way to sneer dismay.
The lie, like slander, is a breeze at first, but then can 'transform in typhoon, as a sham as that of the "Protocols" has certainly given a hand to the Russian pogroms and persecution against the Jews of Hitler's memory than to survive in today's delusions of Holocaust deniers.
thanks pleasant style of the author reading smoothly, without so much fluid and fun. One must therefore applaud the author for the fact that I could tell with grace and a touch of humor topics that would lend themselves easily to a pedantic style or over the top.
A praise to the author and therefore a recommendation.
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