"I do not like the Winx to my daughter but I buy the same" DO NOT CARE ABOUT CARE
Article on November 5 Manifesto. Manuela
interview with Margherita Franceschini: single mother, the daughter of the middle class, frankly unbearable and now can not survive with its 1200 euro per month.
I focus on one sentence from the interview: "I today compared to my mother are forced to be a bit 'more open. And frankly I think is right. Although I do not like to see grow as many friends of my daughter, so linked to consumer goods which I think is unnecessary. The Winx, for example. It is a fixation with that cartoon. I told my daughter that I do not like the Winx. I think it is right to try to steer their children. But one day I said "Mom, I rather like them." And then I gave him one. I do not want to grow otherwise. "
Beyond the sea of \u200b\u200bcontradictions that can Margherita fit into a single concept, this diversity and membership of the group is probably the biggest problem of education that the parents of our generation is facing.
understanding that there is never a recipe for educational absolute, I shudder to this need for approval that adults think they need help not to marginalize the child.
Previous generations were not immune to this issue.
Baptism, for example, it was a prime example, as well as religious education, fellowship, the catechism.
"You want to mica that is the only alternative to doing business?" was the phrase preferred by parents, agnostics, atheists, even the Jews (because yet there were no Muslims) along with "But you know, the grandparents we hold dear."
Here is the premise on which this decision was based education: for better membership in the group that the example of consistency.
think that a child does not notice the discrepancy between a family that takes him every Thursday at catechism and which does not even attend church at Christmas, or that a child should not suffer in front of a priest who asked him But your parents, because we never see?, or rather assume that all this hell not being the only (if then it is) to do something different, it is worrying.
The truth is that there is no security. There are children
who suffer most because of its differences from the group.
Children, however, going crazy in front of the inconsistency.
There are also, clearly, children who do not care neither one thing nor the other, and children who suffer in both cases.
's why a parent, I believe, should choose according to his beliefs and not by those of others.
Unless, of course, chooses to not approved in all respects, without a single difference that can make your child feel bad.
But back to the Winx.
Here, in 2008, the issue of religion, so strong a few years ago, and now again predominant, especially in some schools and in some regions, amplified again for all that is marketing to children.
for fifteen years, children have been identified as an important target of advertising campaigns and consumer goods .
This is not only in respect of products intended for themselves, but also for adult goods such as cars.
This is because a child is deprived of much of the critical, up to 5 years does not distinguish the difference between advertising and television programs, and even then it more difficult for an adult to understand the distinction between reality and fiction (the latter, wonderful feature in children! even more angry to think sfruttata dalle multinazionali).
Inoltre, ovviamente, la richiesta di un bambino, magari accompagnata dai capricci, mette in difficoltà costantemente un genitore, in particolare i genitori di questa generazione, forzatamente assenti dalla famiglia a causa dei ritmi di lavoro, e quindi dominati dal senso di colpa.
Ecco quindi che l'accettazione da parte del gruppo, per un bambino o un adolescente, passa sempre meno attraverso quello che si è (anche se, ovviamente, l'aspetto estetico è diventato preponderante), e si riversa in quello che si ha.
Tutto sembra quindi più facile.
Per far sentire il nostro bambino incluso, sarà meglio una Winx, che il catechismo!?
Evidentemente, no.
The Winx, as well as the high majority of the cartoons - which, unlike previous years are not created and then became commercial items, commercial items, but are sponsored by cartoons - are the vehicle of a message or multiple messages. The Winx
, for example, are clearly a symbol of feminine beauty, but also carriers of messages (such as those contained in their School Diary, which I happened to browse at school) including the fact that "the important thing is to be friends . If you do not have six friends out, "but that" the appearance is important. It takes care of your hair, your shoes match the bag, follow the fashions of the season. "
And the target is identified Winx in bambine tra i 3 e i 7 anni!
Ecco quindi che comprare una Winx solo perchè alla bambina piacciono ( e come potrebbero non piacerle? Piacciono a tutte!) è un terrificante fallimento non solo di coerenza, ma di cure parentali.
Dire "a me non piacciono, ma te la compro lo stesso" è un terrificante arrendersi di fronte alle scelte altrui.
Un genitore che decide - sempre parlando, discutendo, spiegando - ma decide, è importantissimo per un bambino.
Un genitore arrendevole, invece, è probabile fonte di paure.
Le statistiche dimostrano la correlazione tra il bullismo adolescenziale e la mancanza di figure di riferimento a cui potersi affidare.
Ipotecare il ruolo di mamma o di papà, per evitare un'ipotetica emarginazione del figlio, è il rischio che ogni genitore in questo momento corre, troppo debole di fronte a un consumismo fortissimo e apparentemente inarrestabile.
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