not allowed to call mother ("... is not a substitute for the mother "), forbidden to call for asylum (" not a proper parking ..."), instead call preschool is for children, from three to six years, and these days many children will be members for the first time, leaving the hands of frightened or curious parents to cross the gate, marking a beginning, passing a boundary.
For about six hundred thousand children will be the first day, but the first really.
A ritual is always the same challenge is repeated, but forget any careless and hasty gesture, leave the memory of crowding chaotic when the kids were so many, when the desperate cries of the mothers were always at home with them. Why
entry to school is no longer a leap into the void, but the last border sophisticated pedagogical strategies here meetings with families already started in May, personalized meetings, receptions with the colorful balloons, the applause as a play when you enter. Here are the classes and teachers into a castle pretending to be gnomes.
full attention because children are increasingly rare and often the families themselves. "Today we do not enter more than just in class, there is a strategy of acceptance," says Simon Salacone, head teacher. "We begin to make the meetings with parents already in the previous year, the children then staggered start, in small groups for two weeks will have a reduced timetable." Strategies, attention to overprotected children and parents more anxious. "Young couples are much more confused as they are not assisted by the time a family clan, before there was a skill that was transmitted in a natural way. The young parents are very anxious to understand, even today can be highly educated but poorly equipped emotionally , we have sometimes a parenting support. "
"At every step represents a departure, changes evoke the separation and almost no one is fully equipped," said Daniel Brown, a psychologist who works in a kindergarten in close contact with their families. "Parents are increasingly unprepared, have no idea how to do, lack of models and give children equipment outside toys, but items inside. The mothers are afraid, a reasonable fear, however, it is important not to be transmitted to children this anxiety and distrust because everything starts from this post that give parents ".
And the children?" Children of 3 years are individualists and anarchists often only children, children are very curious and less fearful of a time from the trauma of separation, "said Simonetta Salacone." Speak, speak, know a lot of things, are better prepared, have many stimuli and are too early, they However, reduced motor ability, experience in an open environment does not have it. But our teachers are brave e magicamente in un mese trasformano questo gruppo di anarchici in una classe".
Genitori impegnati, bambini iper-accessoriati, maestre dottissime ma nella scuola che cambia rimane intatta l'emozione del primo giorno.
"È un'avventura che se parte bene darà al bambino una marcia in più anche negli anni che seguiranno", dice Maurizia Butturini, insegnante e tra i responsabili della rivista "Scuola dell'infanzia", edita da Giunti: analisi, percorsi, consigli per una scuola non obbligatoria ma frequentata dal 95 per cento dei bambini. "I piccoli non sono il problema perché loro sono curiosi e pronti a mettersi in gioco se le madri hanno fiducia. Per this great part of our job is to reassure parents, perhaps taken from guilt when there is a long time. "
" We say that come with the child and the adult, "says Paola Cagliari, responsible school for children of Reggio Emilia, became an international model. "The more tense, the more excited they are adults and need to accept that their children follow the rules at times other than at home. But gone are the times when children were sent "unfortunately" the kindergarten, the children also now entitled to a school that does not replace the relationship with the mother but is designed just for them. "
(Marina Cavallieri )
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