Dc for autonomy
Paolo Cirino Pomicino -MEP, 1 year and 8 months for illegal financing of the final part of the scandal Enimont; 2 months bargained for corruption in the scandal funds blacks Eni.
Democrats of the Left
Vincenzo Visco-MP, 10 days of arrest and 20 million lire fine for illegal building.
People of Freedom
Massimo Maria Berruti -MP, 8 months for aiding and abetting in the final process per tangenti alla Guardia di Finanza.
Alfredo Biondi- ex Vicepresidente della Camera dei Deputati, 2 mesi patteggiati per evasione fiscale.
Giampiero Cantoni- ex presidente della BNL, è stato inquisito e arrestato per corruzione e bancarotta fraudolenta. È stato condannato in via definitiva. Ha patteggiato la pena per 2 anni ed ha dovuto risarcire 800 milioni di lire.
Marcello Dell'Utri - Senatore e membro del Consiglio d’Europa, complessivi 2 anni e 6 mesi per frode fiscale e false fatturazioni (in due procedimenti diversi)
Lino Jannuzzi Senatore, 2 anni e 4 mesi per vari casi di diffamazione
Vittorio Sgarbi- Deputato, 6 mesi definitivi for aggravated fraud and continued to the detriment of the Ministry of Culture.
Egidio Sterpa -MP sentenced to six months in the final of the scandal funds dell'Enimont blacks.
Antonio Tomassini -Senator, the final three years for forgery.
Alfredo Vito -MP, 2-year plea bargain and 5 billion pounds returned for 22 episodes of corruption in Naples.
Northern League
Mario Borghezio -MP, 2 months and 20 days for final setting fire to objects belonging to some non-EU citizens
Umberto Bossi- MEP and party secretary, in the final 8 months Enimont scandal.
Roberto Maroni ex-Minister of Labour, 4 months and 20 days for resisting a public officer during the police search of the League's headquarters in Milan via Belleri.
Giorgio La Malfa, former Minister for European Affairs, 6 months and 20 days in the scandal funds dell'Enimont blacks.
Socialists United for Europe
Vito Bonsignore MEP-, the final two years for attempted corruption.
These are just some, to see the full list here Link Two
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