Friday, October 17, 2008

What Color Are Throat Polyps

Neanche a dirlo,
oggi il ranocchio
sostiene con forza
lo sciopero e le occupazioni.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Unblock Stuff At School


Giochiamo che ero il Ministro della Pubblica Istruzione?
Se io ero il Ministro della Pubblica Istruzione di un paese normale established today, starting with simple innovation.

Start with little innovation, because even for big game innovations are made slowly, talking, debating with those who certainly know more than us, making questions, listening to others.
But the little things, those are, you can also try to go it alone.
So, in my game, I start to make a tiny tiny thing: I bring to school the hours of Creative Writing.
Two hours a week, from first to fifth above average, anywhere from high school to the chemical industry.
I admit, I did not invent anything, exists in the U.S., for example. E non solo lì, credo.
Io, questa cosa delle ore di scrittura creativa l'ho scoperta in un libro bellissimo che si chiama Ehi prof.
L'autore è quel Frank Mc Court che è diventato famoso in tutto il mondo con Le ceneri di Angela, che poi ha scritto anche Che paese, l'America! e tutti dicono che è un genio, mica solo io.
Questo signore Frank Mc Court mica è nato scrittore.
E' nato irlandese, innanzitutto.
Poi è emigrato, è arrivato in America, quasi è morto, per fortuna non è morto, ha iniziato a studiare tardissimo e poi, solo dopo millemila lavori è diventato professore.
Professore di scrittura creative.
And what about this wrote the book Hey prof.
Before being a teacher of creative writing, Frank Mc Court is a great storyteller.

Then I, who are now Minister of Education of my normal country invented, establishing the hours of creative writing.
And I open the competition to become a professor.

not want the competition enabling degrees or diplomas.
the competition I found that everyone from 18 years upwards.
candidates will face a panel of judges, whose average age is 16 years.
Each candidate will tell the committee the plot of his favorite book.
may cite the pieces, do the voices, mime actors, or just tell.

I now proclaim that my Ministry will take anyone who will raise with the committee chair by the desire to read the book said.
Why those who can read, but especially those who can convey the desire to read, he can also write.

I make a bet: I bet it will work. What will be happy
students of this innovation. But the other teachers, principals and even parents.
will be a revolution as a gala dinner.

bet that my assumptions are young, old, lonely, social, peeled, rasta, male, female, bookworms, animal stage, introspective, frantic, with the piercing or stretch blouse.
will be teachers, but also cooks or gardeners or baby sitter.
will run away from school at thirteen or plurilaureati.
I bet there will not be equal to one another, some of my assumptions, but the beautiful thing that will not matter to anyone.
Why do my students delight made with Jonathan Coe, or Tolstoy, Oscar Wilde and Joseph Roth, Garcia Marquez or Vargas Llosa, Rodari or Chekhov, Agatha or Landsdale Christie or bucket or Prevert.
And this will make a similar offer students a program that is not a journey to read before in the literature.

Who can tell, knows how to listen.
E 'for this that my tellers will be made of the great teachers of creative writing: why listen to, rather than teach, write and listen, together with the boys, all those stories in the class are already there.
They know where to go and see him.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Community Service Letter For Completion


I'm shivering. For many
cose, ho i brividi.
E tutte sono racchiuse nell'articolo di oggi sul Manifesto.

Primo brivido.
Le lavagne luminose.
Dice il nano malefico, che i soldi per la scuola non è che non ci sono, anzi, il ritorno al maestro unico permetterà di aiutare lo sviluppo tecnologico dei nostri istituti, dotando ognuno (ma in realtà i fondi ci sono per meno del 10%) di una lavagna luminosa.

Secondo brivido.
Chi produce le lavagne luminose?
La microsoft.

Terzo brivido.
ho visto classi con più bambini che banchi.
ho visto classes with a computer for disabled children, and the computer was a 386
've seen classes that save on plasters
I've heard of schools offering the sandwich bag, on Friday, because they can not pay for the mess I saw
schools with the plaster pieces, with broken heaters.
Luckily there are funds for overhead!

Fourth thrill
overhead separately, the package of technological innovation seems to go far in the direction of U.S. schools, where you subscribe to a package with private companies: private companies offering educational programs, textbooks, sports equipment in exchange for viewing daily commercials on the screens provided, gently, with funds for technologizing.

Fifth thrill.
Have money saved will be made into a fund, for which he will reward teachers based on meritocracy.
Instead of recognizing the right to an adequate salary to the crucial role that teachers hold, then, here come the awards production.
On what basis will be judged as a teacher?
It is not known.
But what is certain is that the reversal of the spirit of cooperation that now exists in schools: if I can get the 7000 € prize, why should I dividerli con te?
In periodo di vacche magre, ci sono pochi dubbi sulle conseguenze devastanti di una legge che metterebbe tutti contro tutti.

Sesto brivido.
Chi le sa, queste cose?
Chi ne parla?
Ma soprattutto - ultimo brivido - chi le ascolta?