Fine agosto. Piovono progetti, proposte e riunioni budget.
Con l'equipe decidiamo di lavorare due giorni su una proposta per la scuola dell'infanzia, fatta di laboratori artistici liberamente ispirati a Hundertwasser , attenti alla declinazione per le diverse età . Costruiamo una progettazione per i tre anni, una per i quattro, una per i cinque. Materiali di pregio. Formazione per gli insegnanti.
Poi facciamo i conti
Per ogni incontro di due ore, il costo a bambino - per gruppi tra i 10 e i 15 bambini - sarebbe di 6 euro.
Per gruppi da 25 bambini, 4 euro 50.
call friends and ask two teachers to evaluate the figure.
6 €? - We are told - impossible!
As college teachers, we decided to never ask for more than € 5 for families, we are told. Generally, whatever the proposal, we keep on a request for € 3.
Maybe, but just maybe, it may take your proposal for groups of 25. Perhaps, combining classes, we could bring the group to 30 and the figure becomes believable.
I, in these moments, I have another job, or between countries, or revolution. And then I write a post.
And I say in the post.
First, of course, that public schools should provide the possibility, children, access to proposals outside the school at no cost. Should fund - the state should - to bring quality projects in schools.
And this does not happen.
succeeds partially, very partially, and in any case the quality is the last of the criteria approvvazione.
Secondly, I say.
Whether the money is coming from the top or bottom.
It 'really acceptable that the only way to contain costs is to raise the number of children at 20, 30, 35 to the laboratory, maintaining the same number of adults and professionals who work with them?
We're talking about preschoolers.
E 'very acceptable - I should accept the proposal but to do my lab? - That my team, consisting of two people may find themselves working with 30 children aged 3 years time?
I should accept it? And above all, the teachers should really propormelo?
Why then here you exit and enter the social teaching.
I say.
You, the teacher, you really can find just, fair and caring towards the family, the fact that they propose to work with a ratio of 1:15 with three children years, to ask for less than € 1.5 in the family?
What's social about that? Of education? Of far-sighted?
Why is acceptable for you to do do something bad has failed miserably to 30 children, while keeping costs down and reduced to € 1.50?
There are poor families.
There are poor families.
is a problem for these families pay 6 € for a laboratory within a service already provided.
I, as a person but also on behalf of my association, I am ready to grant all necessary gratuities to ensure that these children are entitled to the time switch laboratory.
With a real inconvenience - that does not require certification, which in Italy is not worth anything, but based on the opinion of teachers and on the request of the family - me and my association to accept the choice of going in person the necessary amount .
It 's a political choice.
But other families.
Even in less affluent neighborhoods.
The other families, 6 € per day sent them, and how they spend them, making different choices.
decide to spend on food brand, for the scratch cards, for charging the phone, for shoes with the signature for a dress useless for a DVD to play on Playstation, for the figurines.
€ I say six. But obviously a lot more.
So I say to myself, this is the task of the school?
E 'is the task of the teachers?
Accepting that the parent chooses not to spend € 6 for a training workshop to be able to buy designer shoes?
E 'this democracy, to the times of consumerism?
You do the shit but I can not tell you because you have the right to do so?
What is the meaning of the school at this point?
Confirm the message that the important thing is to spend less, regardless of quality, not having to give up anything?
A logical Chinese stalls?
I, there are times, these times are disgusted.
Why I have to decide whether to refuse to give a good thing but bad for children. Or to accept to carry a good thing but bad for children.
Between marcioeducativo and muffaeducativa, what remains for me is the possibility to write a post.
It is not a good feeling.